This longer and much more coherent response to Sunday Sequence on the above question was submitted by my good friend and co-polemicist Stephen Graham. Personally I’m not sure what was more of a concern: the results of this poll or the fact that they asked the question. GRAHAM: ———————————- Dear ...
Read MoreDoes capitalism contradict God?
RESPONSE TO SUNDAY SEQUENCE WEBSITE POLL: Dear Sir/Madam, In what possible way could capitalism contradict God? Did not God establish free will in man to begin with? Capitalism is only the natural result of such freedom, as human beings seek to survive by reaping the fruits of their own labour. ...
Read MoreResponse to Daniel Ellsworth, Suite 101 on "foul language"
Daniel- As a fellow christian I read your article “A Fair Look at Foul Language” and found it less than fair. I found three major problems with your argument: 1) The division of “foul” words into a separate category in the first instance 2) Your defense of what exactly it ...
Read MoreTony Blair: free healthcare for all!
Tony Blair’s answers on the National Health Service in yesterday’s Prime Minister’s Questions were a surreal but poignant indicator of his mind on these issues. The questions from Michael Howard, leader of the opposition, were part of a wider critique by the Conservatives of the way the NHS is funded ...
Read MoreResponse to BBC Sunday Sequence on climate change
Sirs, I found the discussion in last week’s edition of ‘Sunday Sequence’ on climate change and “The Day After Tomorrow” shockingly unrepresentative of the spectrum of opinion on this complicated issue. While I can understand the limitations of an invited panel in this regard, I felt that listeners were presented ...
Read MoreAbuses in Iraq: ONE QUESTION
Q: Why is it that the liberal establishment (and others) in the West are currently displaying more outrage about the revelations of the stag party-style abuses of Iraqi detainees by stressed-out US soldiers last year, and even FAKED photos of British troops doing the same, than they are about the ...
Read MoreFile sharing: a libertarian response
I thought I’d spend a few moments setting out my take on the whole internet music file sharing thing. The RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) and its European allies continue to be affronted by the technology and its users, regarding their peer-to-peer downloading networks as blatant breaches of copyright ...
Read MoreGreat quote
“During my years in family court, I have seen a dramatic deterioration in the lives of adults and children. At the same time, there has been a dramatic increase in expensive public programs. We are spending a fortune and the result is failure. The recipients of these monies are in ...
Read MoreBureaucracy of the public sector
I am utterly and completely exasperated by the public sector, both here in the United Kingdom and in the United States. This stems from having to deal with these cretinous systems day in, day out in my job and elsewhere, and it merely cements my belief in a libertarian political ...
Read MoreResponse to Stage One of the BBC Charter Review
Sirs, Firstly, it seems prudent to mention that I am a devotee of BBC programming. The quality has always been of a high standard, and I remain influenced by the BBC in general, whether it be radio or television. I am not, however, a fan of how the BBC is ...
Read MoreAnother collision with the anti-war brigade
Today is St. Patrick’s Day. It tends to be a pretty big deal. But in Belfast, Northern Ireland, it is also something of a hot potato, seeing that the Republican movement seem to own everything which has to do with Irish culture in the North. Enter Republicans, enter everything Left; ...
Read MoreSex and the USA
What is with you, America? First, the conservative right holds US television in its icy grip, stunting creativity by means of censorship for years with the effect that rarely would one see even a hint of sexuality in the majority of its output. Then, Janet Jackson reveals a breast during ...
Read MoreMs Dynamite – pop star and amateur liberal
Today’s Guardian newspaper has an interesting interview with London pop princess Ms Dynamite. But of course no Guardian article is written uninfluenced by the snobby, leftist, middle-class, arty-farty liberalism which pervades its political position on a daily basis – and this one is no exception. Ms Dynamite just HAPPENS to ...
Read MoreWhat is Religious Education for?
First apologies for the delay in posting – it has been caused by Extreme Pro-action. (Similar to Extreme Sports, only more dangerous.) I just couldn’t help myself today. A major lefty think-tank, The Institute for Public Policy Research, has published a report entitled “What is Religious Education For?”; presumably not ...
Read MoreLaws banning headscarves in France
For those who are not yet aware, France is implementing a controversial new law to ban women and girls from wearing headscarves in public schools. And of course this is being taken as some kind of prejudice against the Muslim religion. (Everyone is out to get them, remember?) Please don’t ...
Read MoreHoward & Howard?
Well we must confront now an obvious favourite in a presidential candidate in the USA – Howard Dean for the Democrats. Today’s Guardian article on Dean is written by an old acquaintance who does not know him as a left-leaning liberal, but instead a pragmatist, who asseses each issue individually ...
Read More"In your own interest, learn to love the nanny state"
Sorry? I should learn to “love” being nannied? By the state? Tessa Jowell’s article in yesterday’s Times is disturbing. Not because I didn’t think people actually held views like this, but it is disturbing that this lady is the Culture Secretary (no, I don’t know what that is either) and ...
Read MoreChristmas
This blogger is eating A LOT, so will not be posting again until next week. In the meantime, check out the unjust and unfair way that detainees are being treated by the American establishment right now. I’m sorry – and those who know anything about my politics will know that ...
Read MoreNew measures of poverty
I loathe to talk about the practical outworkings of left-wing policies rather than the principals behind them, as if they would somehow be right as long as they worked in practice. But on this occasion I can’t let the occasion pass to comment on how unjustified, even practically, they are ...
Read MoreThe Airplane: a new whipping boy
George Monbiot just gets stranger and stranger. For those who don’t know of this fertile writer, check him out at his own website The Lefty Leftist of Everything Left, who used to protest against the construction of roads, has clearly wired himself to the moon with this latest bizarre ...
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