Hey, it’s Monday.
Toshiba is still considering its options on HD DVD. Ken Miller asks what they could possibly need to consider? It’s over, dammit. “There’s really nowhere to go except the exit, and there’s little reason to walk instead of run that we are aware of.” Uhuh. (UPDATE 2/19/2008: Toshiba admit defeat and are out of the race.)
The Humane Society has released a video showing abuse of cattle at Westland/Hallmark Meat Company in Chino, California. It’s triggered the largest recall of beef in history, 143 million pounds of it. Holy cow. As the New York Times reports, “The video raised questions about the safety of the meat, because cows that cannot walk, called downer cows, pose an added risk of diseases including mad cow disease.” Basically, this is a deficiency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, who are supposed to be monitoring for abuse. A damned expensive mistake.
They say Northern Ireland is becoming ‘normalised’ after decades of the Troubles. It certainly is, now that its government’s elected officials are resigning after allegations of corruption! As reported in The Times, Ian Paisley Jr. will no longer be a government minister. Now that’s normal politics.
Libertarian radio hosts are doing well. Thank God for that – I am one. Hope yet!
Chuck Muth gives some suggestions on how McCain might try to quell the conservative mutiny against his campaign for president, while I sit here for another week trying to figure out why there are no conservatives in the race.
Stephen’s Monday-Wednesday-Friday articles are a hit, and we continue to fight against collectivism and schlocky thinking. Subscribe, share. Another week ahead.