Both are compared and analysed in an article published today by Brian Doherty, senior editor at Reason. I love this show. Since the very first minutes of the very first series, I’ve been hooked on Lost. It’s the best-written, best-produced mythology of the past decade, and it has certainly seemed to appeal to philosophy-loving types like me. Lost is a giant search for meaning, and has brought forth hundreds of theories by fans of the show since it’s been on the air. So long as striking writers don’t screw it up, Season Four is shaping up to be a contender for the very best yet. As Doherty says, “With its echoes of everything from Homer’s The Odyssey to O’Brien’s Third Policeman, Lost’s intricate webs of meaning and suggestion make it not only an exciting example of post-modern referential bricolage, but also the most significant pop adventure tale of our time.” See his entire article here.