Your article betrays your real point of view – not with speeding or dangerous driving, but a typical liberal obsession with cars in general and a leftist dislike of them, as indicated by your subtitle, “Don’t pander to the ordinary bloke’s addiction to cars”. Yet none of your arguments support any initiatives to stop people driving, only driving DANGEROUSLY. You have not argued against people liking cars, or being “…bound up in their cars” – you have only argued that driving dangerously kills children etc.
Why don’t you just say what you really mean? That you don’t like cars in general and list the legislation you would introduce to stop people driving cars.
Then we can REALLY have a proper debate.
You try writing that in 600 words. I would have liked to have gone into far
greater detail but got squeezed out. Had I had more space you would have seen
your view of my opinion was incorrect
Best wishes
Ros Coward